
Q.4. What are the objectives of pharmaceutical chemistry?

Q.4. What are the objectives of pharmaceutical chemistry? Ans.  The pharmaceutical chemistry will discuss the following aspects of the chemical substances used as drugs and pharmaceuticals for various disease conditions Chemical classification, chemical name, chemical structure Pharmacological uses, doses, stability and storage conditions Different types of formulations / dosage form available and their brand names Impurity...

Q.3. What is the scope of pharmaceutical chemistry?

Q.3. What is the scope of pharmaceutical chemistry? Ans.  Pharmaceutical chemistry designed to impart basic knowledge on the chemical structure, storage conditions and medicinal uses of organic and inorganic chemical substances used as drugs and pharmaceuticals. Also, the pharmaceutical chemistry discusses about the impurities, quality control aspects of chemical substances used in pharmaceuticals.

Q.2. What is pharmaceutical chemistry?

Q.2. What is pharmaceutical chemistry? Ans. Pharmaceutical chemistry is a discipline that covers the chemical, biochemical and pharmacological aspects of drugs. This field includes identification, isolation, structural elucidation, synthesis, exploration of structure activity relationships (SAR) and structural modification of biologically active molecules. It involves intensive investigation of the chemical properties and medicinal effects of drugs...

बालों को झड़ने से रोकने के उपाय

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हल्दी का उपयोग

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Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences: Call For Papers

Dear Sir/Madam, We are pleased to inform you that we are going to publish next issue of, peer-reviewed an, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences (ISSN: 2349-9818). The journal publishes innovative papers, literature reviews, mini-reviews, current topics, short communications, special reports, clinical cases, original research papers and letters to the editor dealing with all the branches...