• Abdeen Mustafa Omer Occupational Health Administration, Ministry of Health, Khartoum, Sudan


Counterfeits Medicines, Drug Importers, Quality of Medicines, Regulatory Authorities


The strategy of price liberalisation and privatisation had been implemented in Sudan over the last decade, and has had a positive result on government deficit. The investment law approved recently has good statements and rules on the above strategy in particular to pharmacy regulations. Under the pressure of the new privatisation policy, the government introduced radical changes in the pharmacy regulations. To improve the effectiveness of the public pharmacy, resources should be switched towards areas of need, reducing inequalities and promoting better health conditions. Medicines are financed either through cost sharing or full private. The role of the private services is significant. A review of reform of financing medicines in Sudan is given in this communication. Also, it highlights the current drug supply system in the public sector, which is currently responsibility of the Central Medical Supplies Public Corporation (CMS). In Sudan, the researchers did not identify any rigorous evaluations or quantitative studies about the impact of drug regulations on the quality of medicines and how to protect public health against counterfeit or low quality medicines, although it is practically possible. However, the regulations must be continually evaluated to ensure the public health is protected against by marketing high quality medicines rather than commercial interests, and the drug companies are held accountable for their conduct.


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How to Cite

Abdeen Mustafa Omer. “COUNTERFEIT DRUGS SET ALARM BELLS RINGING: COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF DRUG POLICIES”. Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical and Life Sciences, vol. 11, no. 2, Apr. 2024, pp. 01-23, doi:10.61280/tjpls.v11i2.157.



Research Article